Thursday, October 27, 2011

Siri, for the third time...Finish the Dormer!

80 degrees - is it still October?

I worked most of the day and then came home and had a few hours to finish up the framing of the dormer.  The weather was great and I brought as many tools as I could up to the second floor to concentrate on the dormer.

I started by measuring and cutting the long 2x4s that extend diagonally from the upper horizontal 2x6 that supports the small ridge beam down to the lower sides of the outer dormer wall.  I wasted one piece of 2x4 because this sixty degree angle was difficult and I initially cut it too short.  And that is why Home Depot always has more 2x4s.  Once those were installed I cut the the horizontal pieces from the outer wall to this new diagonal stud.  The two support blocks under the 2x6 were added and then I was able to measure for the sheathing for the sides.  Once this was glued and nailed I had to cut the rafters 3/4" wider to allow for room for the sheathing and then nailed the ridge beam and rafters into place.

Again, had to hand plane the rafters to fit like a piece of furniture.
A picture taken as I was hanging out over the exterior wall.  I think I have the dimensions for the beams correct.
Here are a few more pictures of the side sheathing and the interior space.

Nice open space inside the dormer.

Looks like a complex framing project - it was.
Side sheathing ready for the roof sheathing to meet at a 90 degree angle.
And here is one more picture out the other window to the backyard.  I really need to get after the grass.

Building a playhouse fact - power tool batteries are like ink cartridges.  I have three old and large Ridged batteries for a set of power tools that I bought several years ago and only two marginally work and the other is entirely dead.  I have to run back and charge the two good batteries every fifteen minutes and I'm really trying to not buy any new tools for this project.  The home center carries newer batteries but they are $99 each, which makes me think that it makes more sense to just go out and buy another printer (oops, I meant set of power tools).

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