76 degrees - is it November in Virginia?
Okay - the big news today is that when I came back inside the house it was already dark outside and I heard Lucy (the cat) meow once and then I could not find her. Tuesdays are my night as the girls are off with their piano lessons and theory class until nine thirty. I took my shower and came back downstairs and opened her food and scooped a glob into her dish and then rang her bell as I brought it to her eating area. Why the bell? Well, Ivan Pavlov had a dog and we have a cat. Early on I decided to ring this little bell that we acquired while in Thailand visiting a Buddhist monastery as a way to associate something that she really likes (eating) with something that I can control (the bell). I thought that if she were to run outside that I could simply ring the bell to have her run back but this has not worked out so far. Anyway, she did not come running to eat and I was immediately concerned that she may have gotten out when I came in through the garage. I looked in the yard and could not find her. I looked all over the inside and eventually I heard the one meow again. I was close to the den and soon found her inside the fireplace and behind the screen. She must have climbed up and over the screen and as it opened just far enough for her to climb inside it then closed tight.
Yeah, I'm cool even when wet. |
I thought that cats don't like water and Lucy does not like a shower but she also does not do much complaining. I had to take this picture.
Back to the Pointed Playhouse - I spent that last few days working on more of the roof and it has not been eventful. I must admit that putting on the roof has surpassed the foundation on my list of least favorite parts of building the playhouse. So, it goes something like this - roof, foundation, eaten by mosquitoes, stacking the plywood, etc.. I have about another day to complete the roof but it may rain over the next couple days as a cold front moves over the east coast so I will take a break until the weekend. I was able to get the more difficult right side of the dormer roof done and much of the front facing roof completed today. Here are some pictures.
I love the Fall weather. It was fun to cut the roofing tiles around the tree. |
Flashing around the side of the dormer. |
Weaved the tiles into the corner of the dormer roof and main building roof. |
The tar paper is up and should protect the playhouse from rain. |
Earlier in the day - getting ready to work on the difficult side of the dormer. Not much room to stand. |
I'm getting ready to take down the hoist and will miss Lauren coming out and playing with it. I know that she had fun and I had to balance that fun with safety and I prevented her from getting too high but I think the fun won out. As soon as I take down the walking supports I will not easily be able to remove the boom from the tree so it will probably come down this weekend.
Up |
Up... |
And away... |
Too much fun. |
I'm listening to Missing Persons and old U2 and enjoying a very recent Trader Joe's Chardonnay (made with organically grown Chardonnay grapes, so it says). More next weekend.
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